Dr.-Ing. Frank Adam

Foto von Frank Adam


Windrad Engineering GmbH
Carl-Hopp-Str. 4a
Germany – 18069 Rostock

Phone:      +49 38204 6188-2
Email:   Windrad(at)gicon.de

Office Hours: by prior appointment (email, telephone)

Frank Adam carries out important research into offshore wind and floating substructures. His main focus is on logistical concepts, coupled simulations, the use of novel materials for maritime constructions, and intelligent decommissioning concepts for offshore wind turbines. He heads up the TLP (tension leg platform), Space@Sea, DT-NeO-WEA, OWSplus and FLOAWER (compact and robust medium wind turbine) development projects at the LWET. He also serves as the ERASMUS+ representative at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology and lectures the Practical Wind Turbine Construction Initiative at the LWET.

Research Career
since 2015 Post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Wind Energy Technology at the University of Rostock’s Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology; Main task: Researching offshore wind energy plant substructures
2015 Completed a doctoral degree - Dr.-Ing. (summa cum laude)
2011 - 2015 Member of Research Staff of Solid Structures and Structural Dynamics at the Freiberg University of Mining and Technology; Main tasks: Researching floating substructures for offshore wind energy systems
2009 - 2011 Member of Research Staff of Fluid Dynamics at the TU Dresden; Main task: Researching magneto-rheological elastomers
2004 - 2009 Studied Machine Engineering at the TU Dresden: undergraduate diploma (2006) and diploma (2009); (Specialisation: Applied Mechanics)
Research Projects
since 11/2019 Floating Wind Energy Network (FloaWER) - [Funding Code. 860879 - H2020]
since 08/2019 Floating Offshore Wind Solutions (OWSplus) - [Externally Funding Code: 03WKDC3B - Project Sponsor BMBF]
07/2018 - 06/2020 DT-NeO-WEA - [Funding Code: TBI-V-1-277-VBW-097]
11/2017 - 10/2020 Space@Sea - [Funding Code: 774253 - H2020]
04/2017 - 09/2017 CART Phase 1 - Compact and robust windturbines [Externally Funding Code: 01DP17020 - Project Sponsor BMBF]
05/2016 - 12/2017 The development of a foundation structure for offshore wind turbines made of reinforced concrete composite components [Externally Funding Code: TBI-V-1-071-VBW-025 - Project Sponsor TBI Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania]
12/2012 - 01/2014 The development of structural frames for light-weight construction with noise-reduction properties for deep foundations in offshore structures (pile-driving noise emissions) [Externally Funding Code: 0325486A - Project Sponsor PTJ]
05/2012 - 03/2016 The manufacture, assembly and testing of a floating offshore foundation for offshore wind turbines [Externally Funding Code: V-630-1-260-2012/103 - Project Sponsor TBI Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania]
12/2010 - 03/2013 The development of a planning tool for the systematic solution of problems associated with modular floating offshore foundations (SOF) for wind turbines in the context of variable location-specific and turbine-specific parameters [Externally Funding Code: VP2158807WZ0 - Project Sponsor AiF ZIM]

Dr.-Ing. Frank Adam is a member of the following committees:


He is also a Reviewer for the Journal of Renewable Energy.