Der Lehrstuhl für Windenergietechnik bietet eine Reihe praxisorientierter Lehrveranstaltungen an, um Studierende optimal auf eine zukünftige Tätigkeit in der Windindustrie und den damit verbundenen Industriezweigen vorzubereiten...
Zur aktiven Begleitung und Förderung von Innovationen in der Windenergiebranche betreiben die Mitarbeiter des Lehrstuhls für Windenergietechnik anwendungsorientierte Forschung zu verschiedenen aktuellen Fragestellungen...
Wind energy plays an essential role in the energy transition from coal and nuclear energies to renewable energies. Wind energy is abundantly available around the world and, following rapid expansion for about 20 years, is making now a significant contribution to power supply. At the same time, the wind energy technology has also developed rapidly, and it can be assumed that the technology will continue to develop dynamically in the coming decades.
Wind industry has also developed into an important economic factor, particularly in and around Rostock. Numerous manufacturing and engineering companies have been founded or have settled here. A company like Nordex plays a leading international role among the manufacturers of wind turbines. The market leader in components for offshore wind turbines, EEW-SPC, is also located in Rostock.
In this dynamic environment, the Chair for Wind Energy Technology was founded at the University of Rostock in 2014. It was initially founded as an endowed chair, which was donated by Nordex. The foundation period was five years. The chair was then evaluated and consolidated, so that since 2019 it has been a regular chair at the University of Rostock in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology.
The chair offers a total of six teaching modules. These include introductory lectures for Bachelor and Master students as well as special lectures from various fields of wind energy technology. The aim of the lectures is, on the one hand, to provide a good overview of the technology of wind turbines and, on the other hand, to provide a practical introduction to the tasks of engineers in the wind industry.
Research is carried out at the chair on different topics. The focus is on offshore wind energy. There are various projects in the field of basic research as well as joint projects with industrial companies. Other focal points are grid integration and the modelling and simulation of wind turbines.